Rabu, 09 Desember 2020

What's inside mind?


9 Desember 2020


Udah sekitar hampir 10 bulan quarantine di rumah. Jenuh, bosen, stress udah kaya makanan sehari-hari sih. Jujur, awalnya aku seneng karena sistem perkuliahan tatap muka diganti jadi sistem online. Alasannya simple, karena aku rantau dan aku prefer tinggal di rumah sendiri dibanding harus di kost karena ngekost gak segampang itu, perlu mikir makan nanti pake apa, ini cucian gimana, bersih-bersih, dan juga tugas kuliah yang banyak banget mana kadang kala perlu dicetak tugasnya. Jadi ya…. Honestly aku seneng sih awalnya dengan sistem online ini. Aku bisa pulang ke rumah, spend time not only focusing on college but also having my family around me that I can talk with. I’m grateful for that, still this pandemic should be over and all the people should stay healthy. So guys, please take care yourself and obey the protocols! :D

Setelah lama-lama di rumah gini aku nyoba lumayan hal-hal baru, dari kursus bahasa korea, jualan online, ikut webinar, recently aku juga mulai work-out dan taking care of my body a lot. Dan sekarang aku stuck………. Aku kaya belum nemu suatu hal yang bikin aku semangat dan konsisten ngelakuinnya. I keep watching videos how others day is going, I’m not trying to compare, I just want to make myself realize that I should be productive too! Not only watch Netflix/youtube all day hahaha but whoever read this, it’s okay to watch or do anything you want as long as you feel happy!

Tomorrow is just another day doing my online class. Ok, the word another is just inappropriate because it’s still a day, it’s still a bless from God. But the question is what am I gonna do after online class? I FREAKING HAVE NO IDEA. Do you guys typical of someone that already have a whole plan for the day after or just doing it whatever happens tomorrow? However, thank you for reading this. Have a great day ahead! <3